Friday, July 19, 2013

bike buying advice

I have the pleasure of instructing a lot of motorcyclists each season.

One of the most common questions I get is "What bike should I buy?"

I can not really answer that question.  I can tell people what bike I would like to buy, and how come, but we are all different--physically, riding styles, riding preferences, etc.

The only real advice I give newer riders is I recommend that their first bike be a used bike, and a standard bike.

 A used bike because they will probably only keep it a couple of seasons, and as their riding skill improves, their comfort level improves, and they develop their tastes, they will replace it with something else.

A standard bike for a couple of reasons.  1) it has a good riding position that encourages proper riding posture for level control, eye lead, balance, breaking, etc., so that the rider does not lose the riding posture skills I have taught them, and they become habit that will transfer to their next bike.  And 2), lack of body work/fairings/plastic/fiberglass, etc.  New riders almost inevitably will drop their bike--in the garage, the driveway, wherever, pushing it around, as they adjust to the weight and balance of their motorcycle.  Less things to break, less things to repair or replace.

I always enjoy reading the motorcycle buying guides that come out each season.. As I kids/young rider, I waited in anticipation each spring for it to be sent in the mail.  Nowadays, there are a plethora of online buying guides.

Here is a link to one from Canada

Ride Safe,

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